If the market growth falls and the market share is maintained. The stars can achieve large surpluses as cash cows in the medium term. Longer-term consideration in the portfolio analysis Portfolio analysis Growth Since the BCG matrix is only a snapshot. One's own growth can be compared with the market growth over a longer period .E.G. Five years. Business units that are on the diagonal have grown just as fast as the market. Business units above the diagonal have lost market share in recent years. While business units below the diagonal have gained market share. Marketing Book Portfolio Analysis Using the McKinsey Matrix McKinsey Portfolio Analysis The matrix was developed by McKinsey and General Electric out of criticism of the BCG-Maitrix and has nine fields divided into three parts.
Each with its own main strategy. Strategic business units in the Philippines WhatsApp Number List green squares should expand. Those in the blue squares should weigh and select. And the business units in the gray squares should be siphoned off. The market attractiveness. Which is determined by the following factors. Is shown on the vertical axis:Market quality .Profitability. Number and strength of competitors. Supply of energy and raw materials Environmental situation .Economy. Legislation. Public. Market entry barriers The McKinsey matrix thus has several Factors relevant to success are taken into account in order to reflect market attractiveness.
The horizontal axis represents relative competitive advantage. Which is determined by the following factors: Relative market position . Market share . Relative financial strength Relative production potential Relative R&D potential Relative qualifications of managers and employees Financial situation Market attractiveness-competitive advantage-portfolio Portfolio analysis The McKinsey matrix. Like the Boston Consulting portfolio. Forms the consideration of your own strategic options via the internal axis that can be influenced as a relative competitive advantage and the integration of external market factors.