B2B companies are relying more and more on content marketing to promote and sell products. In time, brands hope to build a content library full Special leads of assets they can use to inform, educate, and persuade people to act. Your content library’s digital assets—including ebooks, images, videos, podcasts, and other useful files—play such a vital role in sales Special leads that it’s not difficult to see why digital asset management solutions are so important.
Beyond merely serving as an online filing cabinet, digital asset Special leads management solutions can provide valuable safety, back-up, and metadata that details the asset’s content, ownership, means of encoding, and access rights. Content libraries that have implemented a cloud-based digital asset management solution can allow access from any device at any Special leads time—even mobile devices. Providing on-demand content to sales reps, prospects, and customers can improve engagement, answer questions, and convert faster than Special leads has ever been possible. Ready to build your content library?
Here are some guidelines to get you started. Auditing Content: Determining Special leads What You Already Have Auditing your current stock of content will require you to use consumption metrics to see what channels prospects are using to find your content, how frequently they’re viewing it, and the depth of their consumption. To audit the consumption of the content on your Special leads website, Google Analytics is a go-to tool. You can get pageviews, find out how long someone stays on your site, determine where your traffic is coming from, and find out which pages they’re spending the most time reading.